

it’s not the wind
gusting and howling like mad
it’s not the rain
building and pooling at your doorstep
it’s not the trees
creaking and threatening homes
it’s not the dark
it’s not the looters
the curfews
the lack of power

it’s the fever
the quiet, the waiting
the nothing
the wandering mind

eating you inside out

the cant do
shouldn’t do

it’s the fever that’s the worst part
as you wait for the storm to pass




Here at Loquidenville (the name we have given our house), we have always wanted a garden. So when we got our new place we were pretty excited to get started. Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of space in our yard to actual plant a garden since it is mostly brick and concrete.

So we decided to do something about it.

We found a photo online where someone took soda bottles to use as planters for their garden. Being that we had a few of these lying about, we figured “what the heck”.

Here’s how we did it:

soda bottles ready to become garden containers

First, I cut holes length-wise along the bottles using my handy-dandy pocket-knife (no good boy scout should be without one).

cutting out the soda bottle

We used standard potting soil you can get from any local hardware or garden store.

use a good potting soil for your soda bottle gardem

Here’s one of the kiddos filling her bottle with potting soil…and Shadow-Dog trying to eat the soil (I swear this dog will eat anything).

filling the soda bottles with potting soil

Here at Loquisenville we know how to party in 100 degree weather.

the loquist's know how to party in 100 degree weather!

It’s important to choose vegetables that are right for the time of year. We decided on beets, radishes, spinach, mustard, and (my personal favorite) brussel sprouts.

the loot for the garden: beets radishes, spinach, mustard, and brussel sprouts

Once your bottles are full use your fingers to make room to place your seeds in the dirt.

making room for the seeds

Add your seeds according to the directions (or, if you’re like me, just dump them in like so):

adding the seeds to the soda bottles

Cover the seeds with more dirt and then get them nice and wet (you will need to do this every day (the getting them wet; not the dirt)).

top it off after adding the seeds with more soil

And, if you do things right, you too could have an awesome soda bottle garden like us. Here’s hoping something actually comes from it.

here's hoping for a good yield from this year's crops


1. If you forget your personal music and are stuck listening to radio you realize just how bad most peoples’ taste in music is.

2. Either I am getting old or music is getting really bad. I am going to blame it on the latter.

3. When you have nothing else to do but think you plan out the rest of your life.

4. 83% of people are horrible drivers.

5. I now have a 5 year plan and know what I want…it has nothing to do with right now.

6. People that own Hummers are probably assholes.

7. People that own smart cars are probably assholes.

8. People in the Midwest are genuinely nicer than in any other part of the country.

9. Sometimes I miss being a truck driver.


10. Most times I am glad I am no longer a truck driver.
